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ErgoFit - Evidence-based biomechanics



ErgoFiT is an evidence-based biomechanical tool developed by Science to Sport. Proven to be fast and accurate, with no subjective decisions, this is an extremely retail efficient bike fit system, with annual subscriptions available to purchase. This biomechanical methodology considers your body, your bike and your training for your optimal fit for both comfort and performance.

ErgoFiT easy to use

Easy to Use

A low threshold of experience is required as the system guides the fitter through the process.

ErgoFiT Large Customer Database

Large Customer Database

ErgoFiT hosts a complete database of all customers, including their bikes. This makes it easy to update client profiles, check an existing  bike fit or start a new bike fitting altogether.

ErgoFiT optimisation process

6 Point Optimisation Process

The predictive and 6 point optimisation steps are independent of each other. The level of redundancy corrects for almost all possible errors made by the fitter.

Fully personalised bike fits

Fully Personalised Bike Fits

John & Simon are twins. John is a professional who rides 25 hours a week and has done so for the last 10 years. Simon doesn’t ride at all, but is now motivated and giving riding a go. If they both go for a bike fitment using traditional fitting methods, they would more than likely end up with the same seat height, saddle setback, reach and handlebar drop. This doesn’t make sense does it? John’s body may be more flexible and is clearly going to be more adapted to riding a bike. This would probably mean a position where he would be more efficient at producing power from a position that is more aggressive and with a greater saddle height and setback, while Simon would probably require the opposite. With an ErgoFiT fitment, both riders would have very different fitment outcomes.


Individual Assessment

All fits begin with an in depth individual assessment where the cyclist’s training history, flexibility, and measurements such as leg length, height and arm length are captured. With this information the system uses the advanced algorithms to generate an extremely accurate predicted bike fitting report. An important distinction between ErgoFiT and other systems is the use of trochanteric leg length instead of inseam measurements (which have been shown to be extremely inaccurate).

Measurement Application

The accurate application of these predicted measurements onto the bike using using both objective and highly reproducible measurements through the use of a simple X-Y reference frame or traditional measurements. ErgoFiT utilises a simple cross hair laser to accurately and easily identify the important parameters to accurately measure and implement changes in bike fit parameters.

Digital Optimisation Process

A 6 point digital optimisation process, using the online ErgoFiT system will analyse the fit and advise on any points which fall outside of the correct reference range. The system will also advise which parameters to adjust and by how much. Fine adjustments are then made to ensure that an optimal fitment is achieved every time. 

The ErgoFiT 5.0 digital fitting process provides a fast, accurate and foolproof fitting technique for all users.

Additional Tools to Enhance an ErgoFiT

ErgoFiT can be used in conjunction with other fitting tools such as saddle pressure mapping and either 2D or 3D kinematics. The work-flow process in ErgoFiT accommodates these additional tools and systems and the free form and specific fields in the ErgoFiT system allow the fitter to capture important information from other systems into a final report. 

An electronic fitting report is then emailed by the system directly to the customer when the fitter confirms that the fitting has been completed.